We love celebrating the special moments in life and come Sunday, we will be celebrating the special persons who have raised us to become the individuals we are today — our mothers. We think all mothers deserve the best that we can give, including Mother Earth, the one who nurtures us all (to be honest, we’re not quite over Earth Day). Whether you already struck gold with the perfect gift or activity, or are still scouring the Internet for an off-beat one, here is our personal list of green Mother’s Day ideas that not only give the gift of love to amazing moms, but also help to contribute to a greener environment that will sustain and foster many more Mother’s Days and memories to come:
Green Gift Ideas
- Nothing beats the feeling of breakfast in bed. Instead of going out to a crowded restaurant for a brunch, start off your mom’s day right by whipping up an environmentally conscious smorgasbord complete with fair-trade coffee, organic juice, locally raised eggs, and vegetarian sausages. Your mom will appreciate your thoughtfulness and green sensibility. Take it up a notch and contact your local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm to have local produce delivered to her all year long.
- Our moms are giving and passionate, certainly for their kids and most likely for a cause as well. Charity is the perfect gift to appeal to your mom’s philanthropic side – consider donating to her favorite organization or for an issue she supports and giving her a certificate and some goodies provided by the donation.
- Moms definitely love pictures. Rather than wasting paper and printing out a handful of pictures (or being stuck with just one picture), buy her a wi-fi digital frame and upload collections of her favorite throwback photographs with you. This green Mother’s Day gift is high on the level of thoughtfulness, while low in its impact on the environment.
- Consider giving your mom a potted plant or succulent instead of a bouquet. Although the latter is beautiful, a plant will give her a lasting piece of nature while preventing more waste from piling on Mother Nature.
Green Activities
- Take your mom out on a stroll in the park and treat her with a serene picnic. It will allow her to relax, get some exercise and appreciate nature. Pair the walk with a delicious picnic lunch of locally grown or organic dishes — we suggest whole grain bread, fresh salad, grilled mushrooms and plump berries. This date is all about adventuring and spending time together with your mom and treasuring her along with the Earth.
- Remember those indoor camping nights you did with mom, or wished that you were able to do? Why not recreate the fun of camping on Mother’s Day in your own backyard or nearby campsite? Gather around the fire, roast some s’mores, gaze at the stars, and reminisce about your favorite times together. Instead of driving far out to destinations, create memories with your favorite heroine while staying around home. And if you’re a mom yourself, this is the perfect date night with your little one!

- If you must take your mom out to a Mother’s Day dinner, take her to a restaurant that serves organic or local cuisine — dining local is not only delicious but also helps to cut down on resources fused to grow and then ship food.
Green is now at the top of the agenda for many people. That said, Mother’s Day is the perfect opportunity to continue staying green even after Earth Day while honoring the extraordinary moms in our lives. Celebrate a green Mother’s Day to show both your appreciation for Mother Nature as well as your thoughtfulness for the future with your mom.
Our MOVA Globes are not only the future of energy, but are also designed to truly give your mom the world. Find out where to buy MOVA Globes at the retailer nearest you.
Speaking of going on adventures with mom, May 10th is also the last day of National Travel and Tourism Week. Check out our own definitions of travel in last week’s blog post.
How are you celebrating Mother’s Day? Let us know in the comments.