With every season comes some mix of tradeshow preparation, work, and travel. 2015 has been no different, as tradeshows continue to be an important element of our operations and the platform for us to get MOVA Creations out to new people around the world. This year, we added new shows to our schedule, upgraded our booth, and took some time to explore the cities we visited. We thought we’d share with you some of our experiences:
Old and New Tradeshows, Same MOVA Experience
Icon Honors at AmericasMart Atlanta
Our Evolving Booth
Visiting Our MOVA Partners
Our Travels
And that’s a wrap! Doing tradeshows and traveling around the country has given us more inspiration to keep up what we’re doing. We hope to meet you and share our MOVA Creations with you at our next destination. Check out our 2016 tradeshow schedule to see where we’re heading next, and follow us on Instagram.