When I was in college, I always dreamed of having a job that would let me explore different parts of the world. Being from a small town in Missouri and having never lived more than 2 hours away from where I was born made my desire to travel that much stronger. In January of 2016, I realized I had too much wanderlust built up, so I packed my things, put on some sunblock, and headed with my Pomeranian to sunny San Diego in search of a new adventure.
As I was putting in applications for my first full-time job, I knew I wanted to travel, but I would never in a million years have thought I could land a graphic design/marketing position right out of college that would let me. That was until I stumbled upon MOVA International, which offered a job description with “MUST BE WILLING TO TRAVEL” in big, bold letters at the top. I remember thinking to myself that it must be too good to be true, but one phone call and an interview later, I found myself as the newest member of the MOVA team.
Even though I work in our San Diego office most days, MOVA gives me more opportunities than most 9 to 5 office jobs would. Within my first six months of employment, I was invited to attend my first tradeshow in Atlanta, Georgia with my colleague, Alex. I was excited, but as the newbie of our duo, I was also nervous. I was excited to explore the city of Atlanta and have my own hotel room for the week, which by the way, had the best complimentary breakfast ever (shoutout to the Embassy Suites, you rock). Explaining the magic of MOVA Globes to tradeshow attendees who have never heard of our product before can get a bit technical, but as it turns out, that’s what people love about our product – the mystery. It only took me a couple hours on the first day of our five-day-long show to get over my nerves and confidently confront passersby.
Our display of MOVA Globes was turning heads left and right at AmericasMart. Turns out, Alex and I set a new tradeshow sales record. Cha-ching! Although that is easy for me to believe; there was very little down time at our booth. If I wasn’t explaining how our product works, I was busy writing orders. So yes, after constantly explaining how MOVA Globes work for five days straight, I am going to do the honors and unofficially deem myself as a MOVA Globe expert. #GlobesMaster
Overall, attending my first tradeshow was an amazing experience and I can’t wait to do it again. Summer 2017 NY NOW, I have my eyes on you. For now, it’s back to where the creative juices flow – the office. Don’t get me wrong, I love my desk, but getting to see the world while promoting MOVA’s miniature worlds is out of this world!
Until next time Atlanta…