Graduation from any level of school is a culmination of hard work, perseverance, and countless late nights. Life after graduation, however, does not stop nor slow down. The initiation into the real world, the pursuit of worldwide travel adventures, the next step in education – no matter what it is, a new beginning awaits you. To celebrate this year’s graduates and their achievements, we have put together three pieces of advice, inspired by our MOVA Globes, to make the transition to post-graduate life easier.
1) Keep striving, keep going, keep learning
The fatigue from working hard to attain past achievements or the anxiety of the unknown future can be difficult obstacles to handle, especially in the immediate moments of post-graduation. What can we learn from MOVA Creations? The answer is simple: Keep going and do not stop. The continuous rotation of our eco-friendly products inspires a lifetime of learning, and that approach should be taken by any graduating class. Our products are not forced by a battery to rotate, so why should you wait for the next challenge to arrive on your doorstep? You’ve achieved a great deal, but why stop there? Keep moving forward!
(Image: Pixabay)
2) Let your actions speak for themselves
Whether you’re ready to conquer another 4 years of school or the real world, it’s better to walk the walk before you talk the talk. Here at MOVA International, we like to let our creations do the talking – while silent in motion, they form a lasting first impression and create a sense of wonder. With no annoying loud noises, our products pack a powerful punch sans any verbal explanation. The graduate can approach the next chapter using this same principle; the road to success may not always be smooth, but the end result will speak for itself. However, when that next achievement becomes reality, put your head down, revert back to principle #1, and start over again.
(Image: Joshua Earle)
3) Be open to endless possibilities
While you may have a certain career path laid out or have a set vision for future adventures, being open to other avenues never hurts. As you may have seen in your existence thus far, life is full of possibilities – you never know what may come your way. The MOVA team makes this principle a top priority. Though you can place a MOVA Globe on any of our sleek wood, crystal, and acrylic bases, we continually search for creative ideas for MOVA Bases. We have used candleholders and even had bronze sculptures designed as bases (our fans like to create their own, too!). We do not only seek ideas for bases, we also put a lot of effort into finding new applications for our technologies, such as the new MOVA Cube. Our message for you? It’s never too early to start setting a new goal.
After all caps are thrown into the air and congratulations are received, the next chapter after graduation can be daunting. It’s important to keep these principles in mind as you start anew. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
Congratulations, Class of 2015!
Check out these valuable tips for college graduates (via US News).
Moving on from high school? Read these tips for high school graduates (via Time).